"The single most exciting thing you encounter in government is competence, because it is so rare."
-Daniel P. Moynihan

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Oil Continues to Spill

In a blog post on Crooks and Liars, "karoli" writes of the continued spilling of oil in water sources despite the cap on the Deepwater Horizon spill. They go on to say that "not one Republican supports comprehensive energy legislation," and that if any of them "decided our planet mattered more than their re-election, we would be debating comprehensive reform." I agree wholeheartedly with this statement of Republicans' preoccupation with votes and ignorance of what really matters. If they could look at the world as more than a place to rule politically, they could see that our planet is dying and we need to do something to protect and heal it. The only way to do that is to find a way to replace oil as our main energy source with a renewable source that won't hurt the health of our home. If there was even one Republican that was brave enough to speak out, we would be able to do just that.
Karoli's purpose is to convince anyone that is tired of waiting for politicians to do something about our dire need for renewable energy sources that if any Republicans had the courage to care about the health of our planet, we could work together to find new ways to use the Earth's natural renewable resources to maintain our way of life without harming our home further.

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